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WritePad Pro combines ultimate word processing and note-taking functionality, sketch capabilities, numerous file sharing options, and the state-of-the-art handwriting recognition to create the ultimate writing app. WritePad Pro documents are standard HTML files that can be viewed on any computer using practically any internet browser and can be easily shared via email, synchronization with Box, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, iCloud, Evernote, and GoogleDrive, Twitter, Facebook and iMessage. You can also print exported as PDF, and translate to other languages. WritePad Pro also features integration with events, contacts, maps, and other iOS resources.

Main Features:

* Handwriting recognition:
– Self-learning adaptive handwriting recognition engine
– Statistical vocabulary analyzer
– Multilingual support: English (UK, US), German, French, Spanish, Portuguese (BR, EU), Italian, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish.
– Spell checker with user dictionary
– Customizable Autocorrerctor
– Letter shapes selector
– Customizable shorthand commands

* Document import formats
– Text (TXT), HTML, RTF, Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX)

* Text formatting:
– Font: size, face, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, color
– Paragraph: alignment, ordered list, unordered list, hierarchical lists, indent.

* Multimedia:
– Insert or take new photo
– Insert emotions
– Sketch – draw your own picture
– Integration with contacts, maps, and events.

* Document sharing
– Document format: standard HTML, which can be viewed with any modern Internet Browser
– Synchronization: iCloud, Evernote, GoogleDerive, Microsoft OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, and directly with iTunes.
– Send HTML emails, iMessage
– Print
– Export to PDF
– Social Networks: Twitter, Facebook integration

* Other Features
– Translator: translate documents to 16 supported languages (uses Bing translator)
– Text Find/Replace
– File manager: sort files by date, size, or name, organize documents in subfolders, text search.

Supported Devices:


