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Ready to jumble up your head with letters? Think you’re good with Scrabble?

Spin the Wordwheel, and test your vocabulary with this awesome new word puzzle!

# How Do I Play:
Make as many words as you can by using the letters around the wheel.
We all like challenges, don’t we? The rules:
– Make sure you use the centre letter
– Only words with at least 4 letters allowed!
– Plurals are NOT allowed!

# What Am I playing For:
– Earn some shiny stars based on the number of words you make. Complete the entire set of words and voilĂ , 3 stars! You’ve completed a level, and got yourself a new achievement!
– Play through 12 exciting levels and 36 achievements!
– Just got crowned ‘Linguofanatic’? Got the ‘SpellBee’ tag? Show off your latest feat with your friends on Facebook and Twitter instantly!
– Make as many words as you can to unlock the next level!

# What If I’m Stuck:
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Use our many hints in the game, and you’ll sail through!

Ready for the challenge? Spin the Wordwheel NOW!!

# Permissions explained:
– INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE required for in-app purchases and data download from our servers
– READ_PHONE_STATE required for keeping screen on and save your progress when your phone rings (no personal data collected)
– WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE required to store game data on SD card
– LOCATION required for usage statistics and demographics (no personal data collected)

Supported Devices:


