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Webka photo editor have thousands perfect photo frames for your awesome photos.
Decorate it, it’s simple and funny!

Decorate your photos with this awesome app like Photoshop master, choose a photo from the gallery or take a snap with the camera, then apply the photo frame, calendar or face-in-hole that you like, then choose any decoration like stickers, letters, phrases or some photo elements and you can share your decorated photo’s with your friends, save photo in your device or post to Deviantart.

We are support photo loading from Facebook, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

Also you can make collage with chosen photo frames by adding stickers, elements, decors, texts, alphabets etc. Try to create funny collage with our masquerade set which contents hats, moustaches, eyes, lips, wigs, masks, glasses and dresses.

You can make photo hoax with scrapbooking elements and “face in hole” frames templates.

You can make your own comic style collage with webka’s comic photo frame templates, phrases and text clouds.

Webka editor have photo frames with flowers, baby frames, men’s frames, nature, landscapes, food, teens, animals, love, romantic, pregnancy, glamour, fishing, cars, cartoon, celebrity, sport, retro, zodiac etc.

Webka editor have holidays photo frames like birthday, anniversary, victory day, wedding, epiphany, easter, graduation, happy new year, merry christmas, valentine day, halloween etc.

Webka have photo frames with celebrity like Lana Del Rey, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Beyonce, Madonna etc.

Webka have photo frames with movie and cartoon heroes like Monster High, Simpsons, Mickey Mouse, Spongebob, WinX, Twilight, Hungry Games, Vampire Diaries, anime etc.

Also Webka can help you create some pictures for print like a calendar for many themes like christmas calendar, school calendar, etc. or time table for school, or labels for bottles.
Calendar frames is very usable thing. You can put your photos inside calendar, print it and put your perfect calendar to the wall! And 2015 year calendar is already here!

Do you want to create your family tree? No problem, Webka have it too!

Our users of social networks every day creating new photo frames for the exhibition, so that you do not feel the lack of!

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