Views: 469
Breezily split expenses with travel companions. In seconds.
It takes mere seconds to create a new trip and add participants. When you split a bill, simply pop open the app, enter each participants costs, and the IOU’s are calculated and stored.
And at any point, just turn the iPhone or iPad or Touch sideways to see the simplest number of payments for everyone to get even, or send a quick email to participants with the breakdown of costs.
Our reviews say it all:
5 Star: “Revolutionized the way I travel”
5 Star: “Absolute breeze to use”
5 Star: “I can’t imagine traveling without it”
Recently chosen for “App of the Week” review by abcnews.go:
Main features:
– Unlimited number of participants
– Add participant photos for added fun
– Create even or uneven splits
– Enter quantities owed or paid in under 10 seconds
– Categorize expenses with the touch of an icon
– Convert currency if your trip spans countries
– Turn device sideways at any time to see the IOUs
– Email participants a detailed list of spendings
Special features:
– Geo-locate all your spendings on a map
– Attach photos of receipts or events
– Record individual payments between people
– View daily expenses and totals
– Switch between concurrent trips
– Email and web support
PLUS TONS MORE—as you continue your trip, you’ll reveal how much functionality our app has and how stress-free your trip can be!