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Send yourself a custom dose of inspiration with Soul Goals® Plus.

Do you start the day filled with dreams and goals only to find that the day has come and gone? Do you forget about your dreams during your hectic life? Soul Goals® Plus helps you stay on the path to your dreams by focusing attention on what is important to you.

Karen C. Auld, the creator of Soul Goals® Plus, has been sharing the stories of people who are living their vision of excellence through the Society of Ultimate Living (SOUL). When talking to these people Karen noticed a common thread – their use of affirmations and goal setting techniques. These people who she calls SoulMates consciously focus on what is important to them and that is why she developed Soul Goals® Plus for you.

Use SoulGoals® to create custom affirmations or goal statements. You will involve your senses with custom images, color and sounds. Then set the time and frequency of your SoulGoal. Once a month, everyday, three times a day. It’s up to you!

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