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PopSavvy is a crowd trivia game designed to make people less oblivious and more socially ‘savvy’. It is a game of provocative social questions and surprising answers that reveal things about people. Crowd trivia is unique – the correct answers are gathered from a crowd of continuously surveyed people. How well do you ‘Know the Crowd’?
• The game begins with a provocative or revealing YES/NO social question. See samples below.
• You predict how ‘The Crowd’ of surveyed people will answer.
• The game is to ‘Know The Crowd’ better than your opponent.
• Play head-to-head against friends, family, random strangers, and/or our auto-players.
• The person closest to the actual Crowd answer gets a point. First to 10 wins.
• Each question takes only a few seconds to play.
• People who are socially savvy win more than the oblivious ones.
Sample Questions:
“Do you know someone who you would secretly like to punch in the face?”
“Would you destroy all your photographs for a million dollars?”
“Is your phone more important to you than your car?”
“Would you give up your independence for love?”
“Are you sexually open-minded?”
“Have you ever snooped in the bathroom at someone else’s house?”
There are three ways to win in the PopSavvy game:
• SavvyMaster Quest – Win the individual game quest by working your way through seven levels of savvy-ness to eventually become a SavvyMaster. Those who achieve SavvyMaster status are enshrined in the Savvy Nation for all time. That is quite a while.
• Head-to-Head Games – Win one-on-one games-to-10 against worthy and less worthy opponents. We track your match history against every player, just so someone can gloat.
• You Against the World – The Leaderboard tracks your lifetime game achievement and compares it to a world of active players. Socially smart players climb the Board quickly. The oblivious? Not so much.
Our goal is to ‘fight obliviosity worldwide’. We think real face-to-face conversations are being replaced by brief 140-character messages and one-way broadcasts to ‘followers’. As a result, we know more people yet we know less about them. Our goal is to use addictive gameplay and the wisdom of The Crowd to improve the savvy-ness of the planet.
Crowd trivia is a perfect way to fight obliviosity. In order to do well in the game, players have to stay up-to-date on what other people are thinking. The revealing questions and interesting social data in the game makes people more socially aware and ignites real conversations about real things.