Views: 45126
Magzter 4.0 introduces MAGZTER GOLD offering unlimited access to more than 2500 magazines and adding hundreds of new titles every month; an exciting new offering that lets you read as many magazines as you like – all for just one low monthly price!
Magzter is the world’s fastest growing digital newsstand with over 24 million users and featuring 5000+ magazines and thousands of books from all over the world available through Magzter Gold or individual subscriptions.
Besides offering the very latest issues, MAGZTER GOLD opens up the archives of your favorite magazines for you to explore! You can download issues for offline reading and keep your other magazines on the cloud.
Magzter 4.0 also brings you LIVE! content for up-to-the-minute news and information from your favorite publishers! Toggle easily between great magazine articles and the very latest LIVE! news.
With a completely redesigned UI, Magzter 4.0 lets you personalize your experience based on your own interests, allowing you to quickly find your favorite magazines – and discover brand new ones!
Magzter features thousands of popular titles and international favorites including Cosmopolitan, Forbes, National Geographic, Maxim, Esquire, OK!, Elle, Black Enterprise, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Runner’s World, Vogue, Popular Science, GQ, Stuff, Top Gear, Lonely Planet, TimeOut and many more.
Magzter also has introduced books, with plenty of interesting reads to choose from – including many featuring Read Aloud (turn it on and have your books read to you) plus a generous selection of free titles!
Some of the other exciting features in Magzter 4.0 include:
– Faster Loading
– Bookmarking
– Parental Control
– Synchronize across iOS, Android and Web
– Enhanced Search and Social Sharing
– Push Notifications for News and Content
– Simultaneous Multiple Magazine Downloads
– Manage your magazines in a personalized “My Collection” section
Magazine subscriptions are available for purchase inside this app.
1-month subscription (automatically renewed until cancelled)
3-month subscription (automatically renewed until cancelled)
6-month subscription (automatically renewed until cancelled)
12-month subscription (automatically renewed until cancelled)
Your subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
You can manage your Magzter Gold subscriptions through your account settings after making the purchase on your device.
No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during the active subscription period.
Please visit for our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
We are signing up new titles every day! To suggest titles or report any technical difficulty you might be having with our app, please email [email protected].
News & MagazinesSupported Devices:
Android, IPhone/Ipad