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Section 7 of the GSDM Act 2003 provides the constitution of the Authority. Accordingly the Authority shall consist of chairperson and not more than fourteen other members as follow s, namely.
(a) The Chief Minister of the State, ex- officio, who shall be the Chairperson
(b)Two Ministers nominated by the Chief Minister by virtue of their office from amongst the Council of Ministers of the State
(c) The Chief Secretary of the State, ex-officio
(d) The Secretary to the Government of Gujarat, Revenue Department, ex officio
(e) The Chief Executive Officer of the Authority, ex-officio
(f) The State Relief Commissioner, ex- officio; and
(g) The Director General of Police of the State, ex-officio
(h) Such other officers of the State Government as may be appointed by the State Government by virtue of their office
Provided that when a proclamation made under Article 356 of the Constitution is in force in the State, the Central Government may appoint three persons, in place of the Chief Minister and other two Ministers, to be the Chairperson and members of the Authority and the persons so appointed shall vacate their office upon the revocation or cesser of operation of such proclamation.\n The members of the Authority shall hold office during the pleasure of the State Government and shall receive such remuneration as may be prescribed.

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