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Everyone has the right to privacy of information and it should be respected. Currently, for a reason, your privacy and confidentiality of personal information are being seriously violated. So you need to protect personal data yourself, and application File Safe 247 is a smart choice.

File Safe 247 – intelligent way to protect and encrypt data on your smartphone, tablet 24/7 (24h/ 7 days).
File Safe 247 will help to keep your secret and protect your private right on files on your devices.

You have some private documents on your Android device and you don’t want any one can access it in any situation, even you loss the device.
Are you wondering if your files are really private when you push them to some cloud storages?
Are you worrying that your files may be attacked while transferred via the Internet?
You have some secret or private photos, clips that you don’t want any one can see them, is this possible?
Yes, this app is for you all.
File Safe 247 encrypts your data directly on your device, using a very powerful and safe AES-256 encryption with random key generation, and intelligent key protection solution.
After encrypting no one can access your files without your password and you can safely sync the data to cloud or share via email… Since your files are encrypted before they are transferred, you will never worry about your cloud’s storage. You can backup your files to external SD card and place it to anywhere you want and it is always protected. Then you can restore your files from the backup.
We are developing Cloud Sync feature that allows you to automatically sync your encrypted data to cloud like Dropbox, Google Drive, … and cross platform with Windows, Mac OS, iOS, … will come soon.

– Master password protection – Just remember only One Password.
– Using AES-256 for every data encryption.
– Using SHA-256 for every hashing data.
– Very cool File Manager behavior
– Import files into app for protection
– Export encrypted files to SD card as decrypted files
– View, Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Zip, Unzip, Search, … file, folder
– Sync encrypted files via Google Drive
– Backup encrypted files to SD card
– Restore encrypted files from SD card
– Encryption Utility
– App settings: view mode, sort mode, theme, …
– Change master password.

Supported Devices:


