Views: 443
Editor’s Review:
Here is a rich collection of real 12-lead ECG cases you can use to develop your interpretation skills. Each case is identified with a brief description (e.g., “Male 73 y/o, HR 158; Ectopic arrhythmia – atrial tachycardia with intraventricular aberrant conduction…”). Select a case and you can choose either Play mode, which shows you the ECG telemetry as you’d see it on a monitor in real time, with beeps for heartbeats, or Read mode, which gives you the printed ECG tracing to interpret. You can choose cases by category or search for them by name. You can also bookmark cases and return to them later.
For students and practitioners who wish to strengthen their ECG-reading capabilities, this app would seem justified, because ECG Cases gives you an effective way to immerse yourself in a wide range of ECG patterns and interact with them as if these were your own patients.
Customer Reviews:
“I’m reviewing the app with my father who happens to be a specialist in internal medicine, and we’re astonished with this app capabilities in helping students like myself understand EKG waves. It’s not easy but with the help of this app EKG makes more sense to me.”
“This is a great App that exemplifies and provides easy training for medical professionals. It is a tool that anyone working in the medical industry should possess.”
“Great app for keeping your skills sharp and seeing a wide variety of cases”
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ECG provides:
1) 1000+ abnormal real world 12 lead ECG cases in raw data (In-App-Purchase needed for advanced ones)
2) Each case has professional interpretation and measurement
3) They cover 100+ common ECG findings
1) Browse ECG cases by findings like “Atrial Flutter”, “Escape Rhythm” and more
2) Search for whatever you want to learn, like “Flat T wave”
3) Dynamically play each case in monitoring mode (with beeping sound)
4) Display leads in 12 x 1, 6 x 2, 4 x 3 layout
5) Each case has 12 template views with P / QRS / T waves identified
6) Send cases to your friends, in PDF format
For students or interns, you can use the cases as learning resources.
For teachers, you can use the cases as teaching resources.
1) All cases are stored in raw data (sample rate is 500 points per second), not static images, so you can look into very detailed waves in pixels
2) You should already have basic knowledge of ECG interpretation, and you use the cases to build a solid cardiology foundation
Findings Covered
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Fibrillation
Ventricular Fibrillation
Escape Beat
PAC (Premature Atrial Contruction)
PAC Bigeminy
PAC Trigeminy
PVC (Premature Ventricular Contruction)
PVC Bigeminy
PVC Trigeminy
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Ventricular Tachycardia
Ventricular Escape Rhythm
Ventricular Rhythm
QT Prolongation
Short QT
High T
ST Elevation
S1,S2,S3 Pattern
High Voltage
Positive T in V1
Ventricular Hypertrophy
Left / Right Atrial Enlargement
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Left Atrial Overload
Short PR Interval
WPW Syndrome
Suspect WPW Syndrome
AV Block I (Wenckebach / Mobitz)
2:1 AV Block
Complete AV Block
Artificial Pacemaker Rhythm(A / V / D)
RSR’ Pattern
IRBBB (Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block)
IVCD (Intraventricular Conduction Block)
CRBBB (Complete Right Bundle Branch Block)
CLBBB (Complete Left Bundle Branch Block)
ICLBBB (Incomplete Left Bundle Branch Block)
LAH (Left Anterior Hemi Block)
LPH (Left Posterior Hemi Block)
BBBB (Bifascicular Bundle Block)
TBBB (Trifascicular Bundle Block)