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Addition Blocks is an award-winning, fast-paced, addictive puzzler that will test your addition speed and skills. Simply click on connected digit blocks to sum to the falling target block. Add quickly, or the target blocks will stack up!

“A math app that is fun, easy to use, and challenging for even the most advanced players. This is one app parents and teachers don’t want to miss out on!” — BestAppsForKids.com (Editor’s Choice, 4 1/2 Stars)

“…there comes a time when [block and puzzle types can be] harnessed to deliver something new and groundbreaking.” — AppPicker.com

“…will hook children by simply being addicting…” — funeducationalapps.com

“The Candy Crush for math” — 4 1/2 stars — smartappsforkids.com

The game is aligned the CCSS for Math Operations to develop fluency in addition (1.OA.C6; 2.OA.B2) especially for single-digit addends and sums up to 20. Because of the time element in the game, repetition in finding sums, immediate feedback, freedom to fail, players have many opportunities to transfer basic math facts to long-term memory. Additionally, players are forced to move from inefficient methods (using fingers or counting) to more efficient recall strategies.

* Multiple speed settings
* Multiple difficulty levels
* Over 25 achievements
* Unlockable special blocks
* Hidden levels
* Two Game modes– Normal Play and Practice Mode

This version built especially for educational purposes–No ads, In-app purchases, or external links. Also, We comply fully with COPPA and as such we don’t collect any personally identifiable information from our users.

Addition Blocks won the 2012 National STEM Video Game Challenge (Educator Entry, PBS Kids Prize)

Supported Devices:

Android, IPhone/Ipad

